Wednesday 9 March 2016

REVIEW: Chriszen Aloe and Rice Skincare

Hello everyone!

While I was daydreaming, I was thinking about things that can make my face great. The two things that came in mind were Aloevera and rice milk. At instant i googled for any product which contain  these 2 things and I found a newly-established malaysian skin care product called Chriszen.

I bought a set of toner, moisturising cream and aloevera skin gel.

1. Chriszen Aloe and Rice facial toner
    what it claims:
– Helps to moisturize the skin.
– Shrink the appearance of pores.
– To cleanse the skin.
– For all skin types.
– Suitable for sensitive skin.
    my comments: It has a light and non-sticky texture with slight aloevera and rice smells. It does make my face feels fresh and smooth!

2. Chriszen Aloe and Rice Day and Night Cream

What it claims:
 -Reduce redness and irritation of the skin.
– Sooth damaged skin.
– Reduce itching, pain and scar.
– Restore radiance complexion.
– Hydrate,moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.
– Enhance the skin flexibility, softness and smoothness.
– Whiten the skin and lighten the dark spots.
– Provide instant relief from the symptoms from dry skin.
– Eliminate excess oil secretion.

my comments: it has a sticky texture which i believe due to mixture of concentrated aloevera and milk extracts with strong smells of rice. The smells really similar with Malay Kuih called " kuih tepung pelita" I have been using for 3 months now,  it really has hydrating and moisturising power! though i didnt get the brightening effect, but my face never have any breakouts or became dry!


    what it claims:
 - Moisturize, hydrate, rejuvenate your skin.
– Relieves and prevents itching.
– Increase the elasticity of the skin.
– Helps to reduce the redness of the skin.
– Reduces the scars.
– Relieves the pain.
– Helps in wounds.
– Soften and soothe the skin.

my comments: I used this gel on my hair, hands and face after moisturizer. Yes it helps moisturising my hair and hands and for my face, double moisturising! I have never tried it on scars or redness but it does helps in wound healing ( it's aloevera!). 

As a conclusion, if your main concern is hydrating and moisturising, this aloe and rice products would be perfect! It does not cause any allergy too, as the main ingredients were aloevera and rice extracts.

Sensitive face skin

Hi everyone! I dont know what triggers me to write a facial product review, but anyway, let get started!

I believe i have a quite sensitive skin. I have once tried a product called Simple, their products were made from pure ingredients thus claimed to be suitable for sensitive skin. I bought the hydrating light moisturizer. First impression, it was great! A super light cream with no fragrance, it did make my face feels light and moisturized. But, after a sometime, guess what happened! My face turned red and hot, but i still go on wearing the skin care for almost a week, coz what I believe was, the sun that making my face red with burning feeling!

until my face turns scaly, then realized it's an allergy reaction! how can humans (normal human) allergy to sunlight? ( unless if you are albinos or with porphyria). It was so severe that i need few anti allergy drugs to heal my super dried skin with occasional itchiness.

i dont know. The brand was quite popular as a sensitive skin skincare experts, but it did not go well with my skin. Maybe i do allergic to one particular chemical which i dont know. too bad.

Friday 27 November 2015

a story about A

i have met a lot of people but i find her as the most interesting, or honestly, nauseating.

She's really pretty naturally ( if has anyone says she did not, i would say that person is blind) with a very fair face and nice jawline. Oh, she's really slim too. A-model-figure I would say.

Despite having a perfect beauty ( yeah i know she definition of beauty is super subjective but please let it go for now) she acts like she is not pretty.

Do you know Anorexia Nervosa? Where a girl thinks she's super fatty while in real she is having a super thin body?

She's really thin, but she's restricting herself from eating. Instead of a super yummy rice as dinner, she "diligently" eats pure maggie (without any seasoning) plus soy sauce plus hard-boiled egg. FOR FREAKING EVERY DAY! I dont know what you feel, but my sympathy towards her body is really high, knowing she's is actually really thin! The most disgusting words of the day, of course "i'm fat, I'm really fat!" or " I ate too much!I'm overeating!" for hundreds time.

At certain time, I really want to slap her. She's the thinnest among us friends anyway. ( dont you agree with me?)

Monday 3 August 2015

Trend Tidur Rumah GF/BF

Hi Sis Na rasa teruja nak tanya soalan ni;

Sekarang memang trend gf tidur rumah bf ( dengan family la) or bf tidur kat rumah gf ke? Memang ketinggalan zaman dah Sisna sekarang. Bersepah-sepah orang ikut trend ni kecuali Sisna, Sebab Sisna takde bf! (HIKS)

Sisna tak tujukan kat sesiapa, tapi macam kelakar bila orang yang ikut trend ni meng-islamic kan trend ni " kami bukan bukak aurat pun, bukan tidur sama pun, family members semua ada, family dia semua sporting."

In a good way, ade je yang tumpang tidur atas sebab rumah jauh takde tempat berteduh ke, tapi the other way setiap minggu tidur sana dengan alasan " alah, ni prektis nak tidur rumah mentua." Hmm nak muntah pun ada tapi tahan  jelah.


Monday 15 June 2015

RULES OF HOUSEMATES // syarat tinggal serumah bersama kawan kawan

Hi. Hello.

It  is quite a trend nowadays ramai yang tinggal serumah dengan kawan kawan, sama ada sambung belajar or sama tempat kerja. Especially when no hostel provided so terkontang kanting la cari rumah sewa. Rumah sewa bukan seringgit dua, lagi lagi yang area klang valley. Saiz rumah ala-ala setinggan je tapi harga sewa bak rumah banglo nuh.

i'm part of people who stay with friends in one house. Dah nak masuk tahun ke-5, so now let me tell you some important points especially sesiapa yang baru je nak start tinggal dengan kawan-kawan.

Oh sebelum tu untuk memudahkan pemahaman (or kefahaman not sure) biar sis bahagikan points kepada beberapa bahagian.

1. General
kau cakap rumah ni cantik ala-ala nature gitu. Lagi 9 orang pulak rumah ni macam rumah hantu.

Amalkan sikap demokrasi. Jangan sebab kau sorang je suka rumah jenis tu semua orang kena ikut ( siapa yang nak serumah dengan kau macam ni). Mengalah. Walaupun kau dilatih sebagai seorang yang tak pernah mengalah oleh parents tapi sekarang kau bukan duduk dengan parents kan? Bilik pun sama. Jangan lah " aku nak bilik ni sorang-sorang taknak roomates" pastu bising tak adil sebab kena bayar lebih sikit bila orang lain semua share share bilik.

Pernah dengar new term " CELLFISH"? yes bila cakap telefon dalam rumah kalau boleh 10 orang dalam rumah tu dengar ( kalau housemates ada 10 orang la). Especially kalau perempuan, mengilai sampai pontianak pun rasa insecure. Ingat, housemates pun ada telinga tau. Dan ingat jugak telinga ni takboleh nak tutup kalau taknak dengar apa apa. Nak ngelak pun terdengar jugak nanti.

2. dapur

kalau korang ada dapur masak, jangan la lupa bersihkan. Sebulan sekali pun jadilah.  Jangan guna alasan" aku anak manja biasanya mak aku yang cuci" kalau macam tu apa kata kau suruh mak kau datang bersihkan. Tapi most of the time bukan sebab takde sape nak cuci tapi dari mula mula masuk rumah sampai nak pindah, ade sorang je yang rajin bersihkan. Yang lain memang ade bagi upah ke?

Dari segi peti ais pulak, hmm kalaulah boleh bukak kedai runcit secondhand, memang dah laku kedai peti ais ni. Air pepsi yang expired 2 tahun lepas pun ada. Maggi kari yang dah kering kuahnya kena makan dek bakteria pun ada. Belum kira lagi air ribena yang asalnya purple pekat dah bertukar jadi air keladi. Sendiri beli, sendiri simpan, sendiri ingat nak buang lah. Or korang ade upah sorang untuk buangkan untuk korang?

3. bilik air/ toilet
This only applicable kalau korang share toilet >1 person. yang private toilet sorang sorang tu takyah masuk campur la ek, sendiri punya urusan.

Kalau perempuan lepas 3 orang mandi, rambut yang tersangkut tu dah sama dengan jumlah rambut manusia biasa. banyaknye...Tuhan je yang tahu. Again. mesti ada sorang yang kerjanya tolong kutip buang semua rambut ( walaupun dia bukan major contibutor untuk rambut tersebut) while the major contributor tengah rileks takpernah sedar sebab ada orang buangkan setiap kali.

Same goes tong sampah dalam toilet ( untuk perempuan tong pads lah ye). Bila sorang tu period, dia tolong buangkan. Bila orang lain period kerjanya tolong penuhkan tong tu sampai lah turn sorang yang rajin tu period balik and then  cycle continues.

Ramai yang mungkin baru perasan lepas baca ni. Mungkin ada yang cakap " Kenapa yang sorang yang rajin tu tak pernah nak bagitahu?" so korang expect dia nak cakap, " hoi aku setiap minggu buat ni buat tu bila kau nak buat pulak" then korang bash balik dia, cakap dia ni bangga diri je lebih.

nasihat sis; housemates awak pun manusia macam awak. they are not your slaves, and you are not their king/queen. Jangan lah cantik kat luaran bila dalaman tak secantik luaran. menyesal suami awak nanti.

Sunday 14 June 2015

created a blog!

Hi, my first post here.

i rather use this blog to share my experiences, not my diaries ( somehow diaries make people sick on how petty and awful our life is) so.. please welcome the birth of my blog!  :D
